
Qui-Zapata JA, García-Vera AG, Rincón-Enríquez G, Vega-Ramos K, Uvalle-Bueno J
Mellado-Mojica Erika, López Mercedes, G.
Agave syrups are gaining popularity as new natural sweeteners. Identification, classification and discrimination by infrared spectroscopy coupled to chemiometrics (NIR-MIR-SIMCA-PCA) and HPAEC-PAD of Agave syrups from natural sweeteners were achieved. MIR-SIMCA-PCA allowed us to classify the... Leer +
Roberto Emiliano Trejo Salazar, Enrique Scheinvar, Luis E. Eguiarte
Se describen los patrones de actividad de los visitantes a las inflorescencias de 3 especies de Agave: Agave difformis, A. garciae-mendozae y A. striata en distintas localidades de la Barranca de Metztitlán, Hidalgo, México. Se define el posible papel de estos visitantes en el proceso de... Leer +
G. Palomino, J. Martínez, I. Méndez , Cepeda-Cornejo, R. Barba-González, B. Rodríguez-Garay
This study presents the cytogenetic characterization by karyotyping and a determination of the DNA content by flow cytometry of Agave parviflora subsp. flexiflora from Bacadehuachi to Nacori Town, Sonora, Mexico. The analyzed plants were diploids (2n = 2x = 60) The cytotype observed in wild adult... Leer +
Tamayo-Ordóñez Y. J., Sánchez-Teyer L.F., Narváez-Zapata J.
Two Ribosomal DNA Regions (5S And 18S) Were Characterized In Three Economically Important Species Of Agave Linnaeus, 1753 Namely A. Tequilana Weber, 1902; A. Angustifolia Haworth, 1915 And A. Fourcroydes Lemaire, 1864 Which Are Used To Produce Several Products Such As Tequila, Mezcal And Hard... Leer +
Tamayo Ordoñez, M., Rodríguez Zapata, L.C., Narváez Zapata, J., Tamayo Ordoñez, Y., Ayil Gutiérrez, B., Barredo Pool, F., Sánchez Teyer, F.
Polyploidy in many Agave species have been widely described but still is unknown its influence on environmental response to the stress. Current study analyzed 16 morphological trials on five Agave accessions comprising three species (A. tequilana, A. angustifolia and A. fourcroydes) with different... Leer +
Núñez-Palenius, H.G., Manjarrez-Rodríguez, E.J., Juárez-Gómez, A., Murillo Yáñez, E., Ramírez-Malagón, R., Salazar-Solís, E., Herrera-Isidrón, L.
Those Plants Had Been Subjected To Intensive Exploitation Due Its Great Value, Mainly As Exceptional Ornamental Plants. As Result, Their Wild Populations Have Been Drastically Reduced Due To Over Collection And Severe Perturbation Of Their Native Habitat. All These Facts Make A. Victoriae-Reginae... Leer +
Puente-Garza, C. A., Gutiérrez-Mora, A., García-Lara, S.
Maguey, Agave salmiana, is an important plant for the “pulque” beverage and functional food industries; however, it has several constraints for elite and homogeneous plant production. In this study, a micropropagation process was established to generate in vitro plants. The effect of the method on... Leer +
Eguiarte Fruns, L.E., E. Scheinvar, J.
Revisión Actualizada De La Historia Natural Del Género
Monja-Mio, K.M., F. Barredo., G. Herrera., M. Esqueda., M.L. Robert.
Rincón-Enríquez G., E. Quiñones-Aguilar., J. Qui-Zapata., K. Vega-Ramos, J. Uvalle-Bueno.
Qui-Zapata JA., Rincón-Enríquez G., Bahena-Reyes E., Dupré P., Rodríguez-Domínguez JM.
Puente-Garza, C. A., Gutiérrez-Mora, A., García-Lara, S.
Maguey, Agave salmiana, is an important plant for “pulque” industry and functional foods but has several constraints of elite germplasm availability and homogeneous nutraceutical properties. A micropropagation protocol was established to generate in vitro plants from young germinated plantlets by... Leer +
Julia del C. Martínez-Rodríguez., Marcela De la Mora-Amutio., Luis A. Plascencia-Correa., Esmeralda Audelo-Regalado., Francisco R. Guardado., Elías Hernández-Sánchez., Yuri J.
"Agave tequilana Weber var. ‘Azul’ is grown for the production of tequila, inulin and syrup. Diverse bacteria inhabit plant tissues and play a crucial role for plant health and growth. In this study culturable endophytic bacteria were extracted from leaf bases of 100 healthy Agave tequilana... Leer +
Quiñones-Aguilar E., L. López-Pérez., A. Solís-Sánchez., K. Vega-Ramos., J. Uvalle-Bueno., J. Qui-Zapata., G. Rincón-Enríquez.
Núñez-Palenius, H.G., Manjarrez-Rodríguez, E.J., Juárez-Gómez, A., Murillo Yáñez, E., Ramírez-Malagón, R., Salazar-Solís, E., Herrera-Isidrón, L.
Those plants had been subjected to intensive exploitation due its great value, mainly as exceptional ornamental plants. As result, their wild populations have been drastically reduced due to over collection and severe perturbation of their native habitat. All these facts make A. victoriae-reginae... Leer +
Trinidad-Cruz J., E. Quiñones-Aguilar., J. Qui-Zapata., L. López-Pérez., G. Rincón-Enríquez.
Ramírez T., H. M., C. B. Peña V., J. R. Aguirre R.
González-Gutiérrez, A. G., A. Gutiérrez-Mora and B., Rodríguez-Garay.
Se trata de la descripción del desarrollo en tiempo y dimensiones del saco embrionario del agave tequilero, incluyendo las primeras divisiones celulares del embrión.
Mercado-Flores, Y., Cárdenas-Álvarez, I.O., Rojas-Olvera, A.V., Pérez- Camarillo, J.P., Leyva-Mir, S.G., Anducho-Reyes, M.A.
Se determinó la efectividad a nivel de campo de Bacillus subtilis en el control del carbón de la espiga del maíz ocasionado por el hongo Sporisorium reilianum.
Trinidad-Cruz J., E. Quiñones-Aguilar, L. López-Pérez, G. Rincón-Enríquez.
Vega-Ramos K. L., J. X. Uvalle-Bueno, J. F. Gómez-Leyva., G. Rincón-Enríquez., M. G. Pantoja-Haro.
Núñez-Palenius, H.G., Manjarrez-Rodríguez, E.J., Juárez-Gómez, A., Murillo Yáñez, E., Ramírez-Malagón, R., Salazar-Solís, E., Herrera-Isidrón, L.
Those plants had been subjected to intensive exploitation due its great value, mainly as exceptional ornamental plants. As result, their wild populations have been drastically reduced due to over collection and severe perturbation of their native habitat. All these facts make A. victoriae-reginae... Leer +
Ramírez T., H. M., C. B. Peña V., C. Trejo., J. R. Aguirre R., H. Vaquera H.
Ayala-González, C., A. Gutiérrez-Mora and B., Rodríguez-Garay.
Se reporta el descubrimiento de embriones dicotiledóneos en agave tequilero.
Montoya-Martínez A. C., Quiñones-Aguilar E. E., Rincón-Enríquez G., L. López-Pérez.
Luis E. Eguiarte., Erika Aguirre-Planter., Xitlali Aguirre., Ricardo Colín., Andrea González., Martha Rocha., Enrique Scheinvar., Laura Trejo., Valeria Souza.
particular Mexican deserts and arid and semiarid ecosystems harbor a large number of endemic taxa, and the genus Agave is an outstanding example. Agave is one of the largest genera of the Mexican flora, including a total estimated number of 200 species, 74 % of them endemic to the country. Agave is... Leer +
Solís-Sánchez A., E.E. Quiñones-Aguilar., J.A. Qui-Zapata., K.L. Vega-Ramos., J.X. Uvalle-Bueno., G. Rincón-Enríquez.
Gomez-Rodriguez VM., Rodriguez-Garay B., Palomino G., Martínez J., Barba-Gonzalez R.
Cytogenetic analysis was carried out in Agave tequilana “Azul”, A. cupreata and A. angustifolia showed that in all species the diploid chromosome was 2n=60, with bimodal karyotype composed of five pairs of large chromosomes and 25 pairs of small chromosomes. Furthemore different karyotypical... Leer +
Montoya-Martínez A. C., Rincón-Enríquez G., Quiñones-Aguilar E. E., López-Pérez L.
Trinidad-Cruz J., Quiñones-Aguilar E. E., Qui-Zapata J.A., Rodríguez-Domínguez J.M., López-Pérez L. , G. Rincón-Enríquez.
Xitlali Aguirre-Dugua., Luis E. Eguiarte.
Agave cupreata and Agave potatorum are semelparous species distributed on dry tropical forests in south Mexico. Extraction of reproductive individuals for spirits production has caused a decline of wild populations and has raised concerns about their long-term conservation. We assess the degree of... Leer +
Rincón-Enríquez G., A. C. Montoya-Martínez., J. R. Trinidad-Cruz, L. López-Pérez , E. E. Quiñones-Aguilar.
Gomez-Rodriguez VM., Rodriguez-Garay B., Palomino G., Martínez J., Barba-Gonzalez R.
Palomino, G. Martínez., J. Cepeda-Cornejo., V., Pimienta-Barrios, E.
This study is a cytogenetic characterization by karyotyping and of the DNA content of populations of Agave cupreata from the Guerrero State, Mexico. Three of the studied populations were diploids (2n = 2x =60) and one population had tetraploid (2n = 4x = 120), pentaploid (2n = 5x = 150) and... Leer +
Tamayo Ordoñez, M., Huijara Vasconcelos, J., Quiroz Moreno, A., Ortiz Garcia, M., Sanchez Teyer, L.F.
Tissue culture can be used to propagate elite material or to generate new variability by employing somaclonal variation. Genetic stability of the process must be evaluated analyzing DNA profi les by the use of molecular markers. Several techniques have been reported for the screening of genetic... Leer +
Rincón-Enríquez G., Quiñones-Aguilar E. E., Montoya-Martínez A. C., López-Pérez L. , Hernández-Cuevas L. V.
Ramírez T., H. M., C. B. Peña V., J. R. Aguirre R., J. A. Reyes A., A. Sánchez U., S. Valle G.
Gardea, A.A., L.T. Findley., J.A. Orozco-Avitia., N. Bañuelos., M. Esqueda., T.H. Huxman.
Trinidad-Cruz J., Rincón-Enríquez G., Qui-Zapata J.A., Rodríguez-Domínguez J.M., Quiñones-Aguilar E. E., López-Pérez L., Hernández-Cuevas L.V.
Tamayo Ordoñez, M., Rodriguez Zapata, L.C., Sanchez Teyer, L.F.
The structure and organization of the genome of Agave is still unknown. To provide a genomic tool for searching sequences of the genus, we built and characterized a binary (BIBAC2) genomic library of Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. Clones of the library had an average insert size of 170 Kb. The... Leer +
Domingo Ruvalcaba-Ruiz., Guadalupe Palomino., Javier Martínez., Ignacio Méndez., Benjamín Rodríguez-Garay.
Mora L., J. L., J. A. Reyes A., J. L. Flores F., C. B. Peña V., J. R. Aguirre R.
Ruvalcaba-Ruiz D., Palomino G., Martínez J., Méndez I., Rodriguez-Garay B.
The effect of para-fluorophenylalanine (PFP) on the production of trisomic plants of Agave tequilana var. Azul produced through somatic embryogenesis was investigated. Normal diploid plants with 2n=2x=60 were obtained in the control treatment and with 4 mg L-1 PFP exposure, while use of 8 and 12 mg... Leer +
Petetán-Sagahón, I., Anducho-Reyes, M.A., Silva-Rojas, H.V., Arana- Cuenca, A., Téllez-Jurado, A., Cárdenas-Álvarez, I.O., Mercado-Flores, Y.
Se realizó el aislamiento de bacterias que inhiben el desarrollo de Stenocarpella maydis el agente causal de la pudrición blanca de tallo y mazorca en el maíz
Esqueda M., Gonzalez A., Palomino G., García-Mendoza A., Terrazas T.
Abstract: Problem statement: Bacanora, a spirit, is destilled from wild populations of Agave angustifolia Haw. Loss of biodiversity must be taken into account when proposing sustainable management actions for this resource. In the study we identified the morphological variants of these species, as... Leer +
Barreto, R., Nieto-Sotelo, J., Cassab G.I.
"Agave tequilana Weber var. Azul plants reproduce asexually by producing ramets. Continuous production of ramets throughout the vegetative cycle of the parent delays the time of harvesting of heads for tequila production. Little is known about the factors influencing their emergence. Heads... Leer +
Palomino, G., Martínez J., Méndez I.
Se determinó el tamaño del genoma (ADN) y la estructura del cariotipo de 2 poblaciones silvestres de Agave aktites de Las Bocas y San Carlos, Sonora, México. Las plantas en ambas poblaciones son diploides (2n= 2x= 60). El contenido promedio 2C de ADN fue de 8.404 pg; 1Cx = 4120 millones de pares de... Leer +
Luján R., Lledías F., Martínez, L.M., Barreto, R., Cassab G.I., Nieto-Sotelo J.
"Agaves are perennial crassulacean acid metabolism (CAM) plants distributed in tropical and subtropical arid environments, features that are attractive for studying the heat-shock response. In agaves, the stress response can be analysed easily during leaf development, as they form a spirally... Leer +
Sánchez-Teyer, F.L., S. Moreno., M. Esqueda., A. Barraza., M.L. Robert.
The effect of yeast strain, the agave age and the cultivation field location of agave were evaluated using kinetic parameters and volatile compound production in the tequila fermentation process.
Ochoa-Meza, A., M. Esqueda., R. Fernández-Valle., R. Herrera-Peraza.
Juan Gallardo Valdez., Edgardo Villegas García.
Los productores de Mezcal del estado de Michoacán han valorado la importancia que como recursoforestal no maderable representan las poblaciones de agave, con esta perspectiva se ha generado una cultura en torno a su explotación, conservación y cultivo con la finalidad, por una parte de no poner en... Leer +
Juan Gallardo Valdez., Anne Christine Gschaedler Mathis., Miguel de Jesús Cházaro Bazáñez., José Manuel Rodríguez Domínguez., Ernesto Tapia Campos., Socorro Villanueva Rodríguez., Jorge Hugo Salado Ponce., Edgardo Villegas García., Rubén Medina Niño., Marx Aguirre Ochoa., Martha Vallejo Pedraza.
El mezcal es una bebida alcohólica destilada que se obtiene a partir de la fermentación del jugo de diversos agaves. En México se produce oficialmente en los estados de Oaxaca, Guerrero, Durango, Zacatecas, San Luis Potosí, Guanajuato y Tamaulipas; sin embargo, esta bebida también se elabora... Leer +
Palomino, G., Martínez J., Méndez I.
Agave tequilana cultivars “Lineño”, “Azul Listado”, “Moraleño”, “Azul”, “Sigüin”and “Pata de Mula” were diploids with 2n=2x=60; “Bermejo” were triploid with 2n=3x=90, and “Chato” tetraploid with 2n=4x=120 (x= 30). A. tequilana show a bimodal karyotype consisting of 10 large + 50 small chromo-somes... Leer +
Ramírez-Malagón R., Borodanenko A., Pérez-Moreno L., Salas-Araiza M., Nuñez-Palenius HG., Ochoa-Alejo N.
Some species of Agave are highly endangered due to overexploitation and inefficient propagation systems. The objective of this study was the establishment of reliable in vitro protocols for Agave propagation. For A. tequilana, 2,4-D-temporary pulses (exposure of explants for 1, 3 or 6 days) with... Leer +
Moreno-Salazar, S.F., Esqueda, M., Martínez, J., Palomino, G.
El contenido de ADN nuclear de tres poblaciones silvestres de Agave angustifolia y una de Agave rhodacantha del municipio de Nacori Chico, Sonora, México. Todos los especímenes en las dos especies fueron diploides (2n = 2x = 60). El contenido promedio 2C-ADN nuclear fue de 8.499 pg (ICx = 4165 mpb... Leer +
Eguiarte L.E., V. Souza.
Se describenm diferentes avances en el estudio de la genética de poblaciones y conservación del género.
Eguiarte L.E. , H. T. Arita.
Se presentan datos de los polinizadores de los agaves y su importancia de conservarlos.
Palomino, G., Martínez J., Méndez, I.
En este trabajo se revisan los estudios citogenéticos que incluyen los números cromosómicos (n y 2n), el cariotipo, el contenido de ADN nuclear o tamaño del genoma y los niveles de poliploidías informados para especies de Agave, donde se han reportado plantas diploides (2x) y hasta octoploides (8x... Leer +
P. Colunga-García Marín., A. LarquéSaavedra., L. E. Eguiarte., D Zizumbo-Villareal, eds.
Este libro compila diferentes estudios de los estudios que se realizaban en México sobre el género.
Avila-Fernandez A., C. Olvera-Carranza., E. Rudiño-Piñera., G.I. Cassab., J. Nieto-Sotelo., A. López Munguía.
Moreno, S., M. Esqueda, J. Martínez., G. Palomino.
Ávila-Fernández, A., Olvera-Carranza, C., Rudiño-Piñera, E., Cassab, G.I., Nieto-Sotelo, J., López-Munguía, A.
"A full-length cDNA encoding for 1-SST in Agave tequilana Weber var. azul. was isolated, cloned and expressed in Pichia pastoris. The heterologous protein, with a molecular mass of 75 kDa, shows identity with different plant fructosyltransferases and invertases, which belong to the glycoside... Leer +
Eguiarte Fruns L. E., A. González González.
Se discuten los recursos genéticos en especis mezcaleras y en el tequila y su conservación.
Peña V., C. B., A. B. Sánchez U., J. R. Aguirre R., C. Trejo., E. Cárdenas., A. Villegas M.
Rocha, M, S. V. Good-Avila., F. Molina-Freaner., H. Arita., A. Castillo., A. García-Mendoza., A. Silva-Montellano., B. S. Gaut., V. Souza., L. E. Eguiarte.
Agavaceae are an American family that comprises nine genera and ca. 300 species distributed in arid and semiarid environments, mainly in Mexico. The family is very successful and displays a wide array of ecological, reproductive, and morphological adaptations. Many of its members play important... Leer +
Rocha, M., A. Valera, L. E. Eguiarte
We studied a community of Agave species that coexist in the Metztitlán Canyon in Central Mexico. During 2001, 2002, and 2003, we analyzed floral traits and rosette allometry in five species belonging to the subgenus Littaea: A. celsii albicans, A. xylonacantha, A. difformis, A. striata, and Agave... Leer +
Palomino, G., Martínez J., E Méndez I.
El análisis del contenido nuclear de ADN en Agave angustifolia diploide (2n = 2x = 60) y un contenido 2C de ADN = 8.477 pg y otro triplode (2n = 2x = 90) con 12.420 pg. Los cariotipos de las plantas diploides y triploides mostraron diferencias en la proporción del tipo de cromosomas. Las plantas... Leer +
Sánchez U., A. B., C. B. Peña V., J. R. Aguirre R., C. Trejo, E. Cárdenas.
Navarro-Quezada, A., González, R., F. Molina-Freaner, L. E. Eguiarte
The Agave deserti complex, comprising A. deserti, A. cerulata and A. subsimplex, represents a group of species and subspecies with a near allopatric distribution and clear differences in morphology. Genetic differentiation and taxonomic status with respect to spatial distribution of 14 populations... Leer +
Silva-Montellano, A., L. E. Eguiarte
Floral characteristics such as morphology and flower color have been interpreted as adaptive traits that evolved through selective pressures generated by pollinators. Differences among populations in the expression of floral characters could result from natural selection for their adaptive value to... Leer +
Molina-Freaner, F., L.E. Eguiarte
Paniculate agaves from tropical deserts depend on nectar-feeding bats for their reproduction, while species from extratropical areas near the northern limit of Leptonycteris curasoae are pollinated by diurnal and nocturnal insects and birds. Agave angustifolia is a paniculate agave with a broad... Leer +
Silva-Montellano A., L. E. Eguiarte
Plants with natural variation in their floral traits and reproductive ecology are ideal subjects for analyzing the effects of natural selection and other evolutionary forces on genetic structure of natural populations. Agave lechuguilla shows latitudinal changes in floral morphology, color, and... Leer +
Palomino G., J. Dolezel, I. Méndez, A. Rubluo
Flow cytometric analysis of DNA content was performed using nuclei isolated from internal basal parts of young leaves in 8 varieties of Agave tequilana. A. tequilana varieties lineño, azul listado, azul, moraleño, xiguin, and pata de mula were found to be diploid (2n=2x=60). These diploid varieties... Leer +
Aguirre R., J. R., H. Charcas S., J. L. Flores F.
Eguiarte, L.E., A. Silva, V. Souza
Se revisa toda la literatura disponible sobre ecología, evolución, polinziación y reproduccion para toda la familia Agavaceae.
Reyes A., J. A., J.R. Aguirre R., C.B. Peña V.
Martínez-Palacios, A., L. E. Eguiarte, G. R. Furnier
Long-lived perennials are a species-rich, ecologically important component of the North American deserts, yet we know little about their genetic structure, information important for their conservation. Agave victoriae-reginae is an endemic of the Chihuahuan Desert of northern Mexico that is... Leer +
Eguiarte, L .E., J. Larson-Guerra, J. Nuñez-Farfán, A. Martínez-Palacios, K. Santos del Prado, H.T. Arita
En este artículo presentamos una revisión de ideas y ejemplos en torno a distintas perspectivas de la diversidad filogenética. Los estudios de diversidad orientados a la conservación que utilizan exclusivamente la especie como unidad de análisis podrían beneficiarse de la incorporación de... Leer +
Colunga-GarcíaMarín, P., J. Coello-Coello, L. Eguiarte, D. Piñero
Isozymatic variation and phylogenetic relationships among extant henequén (Agave fourcroydes) germplasm and wild populations of its ancestor A. angustifolia in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico were analyzed. Analysis of three isozyme systems using starch gel electrophoresis indicated that while A.... Leer +
Eguiarte, L. E.
Se comparan las diferentes hipótesis filogenéticas sobre las filogenia, en particular la posición y límites de la familia Agavacea y se calibran por primera vez relojes moleculares para el grupo.
Búrquez, A., L. E. Eguiarte, C. Martínez del Río
Se compara la biología reproductiva y polinziación de ambas especies.
Eguiarte, L. E., M.R.Duvall, G.H. Learn, Jr., M.T. Cleg
Es el primer estudio de las relaciones filogenéticas entre el género Agave y géneros relaciones. Se analiza las diferentes tasas de substitución molecular.
Eguiarte, L. E., A. Búrquez
Se analizan cambios en la fecundidad de este pariente del Agave que conicidieron con reducciónes en la abundancia de polinizador.
Eguiarte, L. E., A. Búrquez
The reproductive ecology of Manfreda brachystachya was studied at the Pedregal de San Angel Preserve, in Mexico City. The floral characteristics of M. brachystachya are consistent with bat pollination, and the main pollinator was the Little Long-nosed bat (Leptonycteris sanborni Phyllostomatidae).... Leer +
Martínez del Río, C., L. E. Eguiarte
We studied bird visits to the flowers of Agave salmiana at two sites on the Mexican Plateau. At one site the main visitors were four species of perching birds (Northern Flicker, Colaptes auratus; Curve-billed Thrasher, Toxostoma curvirostre; Scott's Oriole, Icterus parisorum; and Northern... Leer +
Luis Enrique Eguiarte Fruns
Se analiza la biología reproductiva y la polinización de este género, relacionado con Agave.